ByLuria Petrucci

Jul 10, 2015

We’ve been on a search to find organic produce! Turns out… it’s harder than we thought!

While we were working on a story to show you the best way to shop for organic foods, we discovered that a lot of the labels stores and markets use are misleading.

  • “Locally grown”
  • “All Natural”
  • “Fresh Produce”
  • “Homegrown”

They may be telling the truth. Some of their foods may indeed be locally grown. But what do you think that means? It doesn’t necessarily mean organic or non-GMO.

You can find out what kind of produce you’re buying by the PLU numbers on the produce, but not all produce is labeled since it’s legally not a requirement.

We’re on a search to figure out how to find the best, healthiest produce so we can all be more informed, educated shoppers!

If you have a tip, leave a comment! We’ll be back next week to share some of the process we’re going through.

For great ideas on recycling, check out the following articles and guides:

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By Luria Petrucci

Luria hosts both Earth911TV and GeeksLife. You can find her at the intersections of fun, green living, technology and the geeky lifestyle. She enjoys learning alongside you on how to make life better, easier, greener and more efficient!