
Feb 7, 2023 ,
We Earthlings

Have you made the switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs yet? It’s an easy step that can help reduce your environmental impact.

“If every American home replaced just one light bulb with one LED bulb that has earned the ENERGY STAR, we would save about $580 million in energy costs and prevent 7 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions per year, equivalent to those from about 690,000 cars,” according to

Don’t worry if you’ve already swapped out your incandescent light bulbs for CFL bulbs; you’ve made a great energy-saving improvement. Continue using the CFLs until they stop working and make sure you dispose of them properly at the end of their lifecycle. But when those long-lasting CFLs burn out, replace them with longer-lasting LEDs.

A LED bulb lasts 2 to 4 times longer than a CFL bulb and, unlike CFL and incandescent bulbs, LEDs don’t generate heat. That means they waste less energy. You’ll pay a bit more for your LEDs up front, but your energy savings will more than pay you back over the life of the bulb.

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Make the switch to LED light bulbs


By Earth911

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