ByAaron Styles

May 5, 2014

AmericanDream_84704260It’s Saturday morning in the spring and nothing says Saturday more than the sounds of lawnmowers, kids playing in the street … birds chirping incessantly and that never-ending string of profanity spewing from the mouth of an irate dad trying to dig out his lawn equipment from beneath a mountain of crap his family simply had to have. It’s moments like these when we truly enjoy our lovely, three bedroom, three bath home with two storage sheds attached … I’m certain the ad said a two car garage but I’ll be damned if I can find either of them.

Now, for me, not so bad, I truly am one of those with a garage that is neatly stowed and clean and I have enough room for the Audi, the SUV, the two bicycles and the Christmas decorations. The floors are clean; the shelves neatly organized with enough bottled water and toilet paper to combat the worse case of Montezuma’s revenge, even the never-ending supply of extension cords are wrapped neatly and hanging from little hooks all spaced perfectly on the wall. Ok, I’m a little OCD, but that’s not my point today.

My point is to talk about waste. I laugh every time there’s even the threat of a thunderstorm in my neighborhood, I gleefully trot my tired old butt to the window and watch as my neighbors try to find a safe place to park their vehicles so the hail won’t apply the texture of a golf ball to them. I have a suggestion … how about parking them in the garage, that’s what it’s for.

By now I’m sure you’ve figured out I’m one for expecting consumers to take responsibility for their actions and their impact on the environment. I thoroughly enjoy jumping on the consumer-bashing bandwagon and having some fun when the consumer drops the ball or blames big business for something that is a consumer issue. So, after reading an article that Emerald has just finished (that’s not her real name by the way, its actually “Hey you, where’s that *&^%$% story”) it got me to thinking about the mountains of crap in the American garage that could be used somewhere else, or at least the money we wasted on buying it could be.

TVs. weed whackers, bikes …

By Aaron Styles

A provocateur, and writer for more than 25 years, Aaron has simplified and humanized the complicated areas of politics, the environment and human interest issues. Skeptical by nature and anonymous by requirement, Aaron enjoys nothing more than getting the conversation started.