Get a Paperless Office Environment!

We’re stuck in a time where everyone’s trying to move forward into a paperless world, yet still clinging on to paper and the past they remember.

I can understand! I LOVE my paper pads and jotting down notes. But I’m finding ways to at least lessen the need for it.

Observe your office for the next week. How much paper are you actually using as an entire company? I’m willing to bet it’s a lot and most of it’s unnecessary! How would people change if they realized just how many reams of paper they were using? So show them!

That’ll help get everyone on the same page and on board with cutting back the paper usage. That’s your first step. Make sure you’re all working towards the same goal!

Check out this article for tips for creating a paperless office:

Recycling Articles and Guides

Past Episodes

By Luria Petrucci

Luria hosts both Earth911TV and GeeksLife. You can find her at the intersections of fun, green living, technology and the geeky lifestyle. She enjoys learning alongside you on how to make life better, easier, greener and more efficient!