
Aug 15, 2023
We Earthlings

Did you know that plastic bags account for 11.18% of plastic pollution? If you’re still having your groceries bagged in plastic, now’s a good time to start bringing bags with you. You can start by reusing all those plastic bags you’ve accumulated from the grocery store. If you’ve already recycled them, that’s great! But consider the waste of manufacturing those bags that just get used just once and then thrown away. It’s easy to get in the habit of bringing reusable bags when you go shopping. Leave them by the door so you don’t forget them when you head to the store.

A number of major retailers make it easy to recycle plastic bags by providing a collection bin, usually near the front of the store. Use Earth911 Recycling Search and enter your ZIP code to find a location near you.

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Plastic bags account for 11.18% of plastic pollution

By Earth911

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