
In today’s society, we are seeing more and more of a push toward going green. Whether this means amping up our recycling efforts, switching out light bulbs for energy-saving options, or finding creative ways to reuse old household items, there are plenty of ways you can save money while helping out the environment at the same time. With all of these new and innovative ways to go green, why not involve your beloved furry friend? That’s right — there are also tons of great products and ideas to help you go green with your pet.

Over the past few years, a whole industry has sprouted that is designed to help you green your pet care products and practices around the house and your community. So, while you are greening your home this spring and doing your best to change the way you do things in order to benefit the earth, why not do the same for your pet?

Below you will find some great information on how to reduce your pet’s carbon paw prints, without stretching your wallet too thin.

Cat litter
Image courtesy of mynikfoto.

Skip the litter

If you are a cat owner, you know how frustrating and downright gross cat litter can be. Furthermore, cat litter is actually quite bad for the environment for a couple of reasons. For starters, a lot of cat litter brands go through mining companies, and secondly, used litter goes directly to the landfill, not to mention all the diseases and parasites it contains. Because of this, it is recommended that you look for an alternative.

  • A couple of more sustainable options include litter made from recycled newspapers, hemp or straw.
  • If you are feeling really ambitious, try looking into the CatSeat by Feline Evolution and train your cat to go on the toilet.

Green cleaning products

One of the easiest ways to go green with your pet care is by switching out those pet cleaning products that are full of toxic chemicals for organic, earth-friendly products. There are numerous products on the market that are made from plant-based essential oils in order to reduce their impact on the planet, and to provide you with a much safer option for your pets and children. You can find everything from eco-friendly dander remover to pet wipes, laundry detergent, and general pet stain and odor remover.

run, buddy, run!
Image courtesy of jeffreyw.

Scoop their poop

Using biodegradable poop bags so Fido’s No. 2 isn’t kept for many years to come in a plastic bag off in a landfill is perhaps one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to adopting more eco-friendly pet practices. So, next time you are walking your pooch, make sure and use biodegradable bags to clean up after him. Not only is this the right thing to do for your neighbors and other parkgoers, but it means your pet’s poo won’t be immortalized in a plastic bag for the foreseeable future.

Give them sustainable goods

There are plenty of pet toys out there today that are made from recycled materials and sustainable fibers — free of herbicides or pesticides. Hemp is one of the most commonly used materials for these products and, once you look, you will notice tons of accessories and other products made out of hemp. Furthermore, you can get your pet a bed from organic cotton or even recycled PET bottles to really go the extra step.

As you can see, there are plenty of options that will help you green your home and your pet care routine at the same time. So, next time you head to the store for some new toys, cat litter, or cleaning products, be on the lookout for eco-friendly alternatives to your usual purchases.

Feature image courtesy of Eric Sonstroem

By Earth911

We’re serious about helping our readers, consumers and businesses alike, reduce their waste footprint every day, providing quality information and discovering new ways of being even more sustainable.